Sunday, August 7, 2011

Discussing NCDs in the Caribbean
While visiting one of my favorite sites( to stay up to date with what's going on in the Caribbean, I came across this article, titled: 'Caribbean-Regional Journalists discussing non-communicable diseases.' Clearly, this article quickly caught my attention so I had to share. The aim of this workshop was to:
“enhance the understanding of the need for interaction between the media and health professionals in order to disseminate reliable health information in a timely manner as well as to form partnerships in order to tackle the growing burden of NCDs,”
Highlights from the article: (My thoughts)
  1. I am pleased that this 2 day workshop on NCDs was targeted towards the media (journalists). The targeted audience were not health officials or individuals in the medical field. Everyone should be included in the discussion of NCDs, because it will take a diverse team of individuals, groups & organizations to make change in this critical area. 
  2. The article highlighted the worsening health conditions in the Caribbean region due to NCDs as a results of globalization. 
“The Caribbean is the region of the Americas that is worst affected by this epidemic of non-communicable diseases. Already, at least 25% of Caribbean adults are obese, 25%t are hypertensive and the prevalence of diabetes is more than 10% in at least four of our countries.”
“Like the rest of the world, we are facing cultural changes along with the epidemiological conditions which favour a worsening chronic disease scenario. As our societies become more urbanized and our populations become older, physical activity levels continue to decline,’ she said baling “ a significant shift away from traditional home prepared meals”.
I can definitely attest to the cultural changes that is now happening in the Caribbean. Instead of traditional home cooked meals, more & more people are eating out. I was very surprised to see that there had been an increase in fast food joints back home in such a short period of time.

The full article can be found here.

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