Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Interview with Wendy & Jess from FoodHeavenMadeEasy

 Interview with Wendy & Jess from FoodHeavenMadeEasy!
  1. Tell us a little about yourself: your name, where you're from, and what you do?
Jess is from Cali but lives in Brooklyn. Wendy is from the Bronx and lives in the Bronx. We both are finishing up our Master’s Degrees in Nutrition and work at Nutritionists. 

2.  I understand that you both are pursuing careers in Nutrition. What was the significant factor in causing you two to pursue a career in this field? 

We are both vegetarians and have an interest in healthy food and cooking.

3. How did you come up with the title for the series? 

We live for food and get really excited about good meals. We wanted to convey the message that healthy food can taste amazing and also be easy to cook.

4. Describe your series and what you do on there. 

Our healthy cooking series shows people how to eat healthy on a budget. Most importantly, we want to let folks know that you don’t have to be a gourmet chef to cook an amazingly delicious meal. Anyone can do it on any – literally. Last but not least, we want our show to be fun to watch! 

5. What was your inspiration in creating the series? 

We both worked together conducting cooking demos and nutrition workshops in Brooklyn and the Bronx. We noticed that there is really a void when it comes to nutrition/healthy cooking info for our communities. The show was created as a fun outlet to help folks improve their health (and prevent future illness) by showing them how easy it is to transform their diets.

6. Who (or what group) is your targeted audience and why?
Our show is for everyone who enjoys it, but we specifically target members of the African Diaspora not only in NYC but internationally. We feel like there is a void when it comes to nutrition/healthy cooking information that is available to this community. Furthermore, the rates of Diabetes, Heart Disease, etc. affect our communities at alarming rates, so we would like to use education as a tool to take charge of our health!

7. How does the series help combat non-communicable diseases and/or health disparities, whether that may be on your website or via your tv series? 

Our show is intended to address health disparities that are taking over underserved communities. Many of these communities don’t have the resources needed to make healthier eating choices. We prepare food in our show that is usually accessible, and culturally relevant for Afro-descendant communities, Latin@s included. Education is at the core of transforming behaviors, and we hope that through our show, we can teach our communities tangible ways to improve their eating lifestyle.

8. Lastly, what advice would you give to busy college students (like yourselves) who want to eat healthier, but find it difficult to incorporate healthier eating into their lifestyle?

Here are our top four college food tips:
-Cook and pre-chop for the week: It saves so much time! Cooking staple foods like rice and beans will save you lots of time in the kitchen, especially when you’re running around trying to find time to study. The great thing is that you can mix and match with the foods you have cooked so you also have variety. One day a bean salad, another day rice and beans, and another day a bean burrito. Pre-chopping will also save you lots of time. Chop up some onions, garlic, peppers, and other flavorful delights you usually add into your dishes for flavor, and store them away for the week. 

-Get yourself some good Tupperware, a lunch bag, and a water mug: For us college students, we unfortunately tend to spend more time in school than at home. Sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that we even forget to eat. Some good storage containers and a cute lunch bag will motivate you to pack up your food so you can eat it while on the run. A water jug is also very important so that you’re getting enough fluids for your day. Eating nutritious home cooked foods will fuel your brain power and save you lots of money! 

-Eat your fruits and veggies: This is a must. They offer vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which is essential for healthy digestion. The great thing about fruits is that you can throw them in your bag and eat them as snacks while you’re falling asleep listening to your boring professor (natural candy!). With veggies, just pack them up in Tupperware and throw it in the bag. 

-Stay away from processed junk: As a college student, it’s so easy to end up in the corner store or the fast food spot. It’s cheap, fast, and usually very accessible. As college students, we’re also under a lot of stress and can easily turn to emotional eating for release. Be more mindful of what you’re putting into your body, and create healthy alternatives for yourself (check our site for ideas!) Chances are if you can’t pronounce the ingredients of the foods you’re eating, they aren’t in the best interests of your body.

9. Is there anything else you can tell me that you didn’t get a chance to say that you think will help me and others gain a better understanding of your Nutrition series and what you hope to achieve with it? 

One last thing we wanted to mention is that we are two busy graduate students with a million things going on, and so we’re always open for taking aboard volunteers and interns who want to give us a hand and expand this movement! If interested, email us at

10. How can readers learn more about your series? 

You can visit our site to learn more about who we are and what we do, watch our shows, and get some of our yummy recipes @ We also post daily updates on facebook @foodheavenmadeeasy and on twitter @foodheavenshow.

 A big thank you to Wendy & Jess. Don't forget to check them out :o)


  1. Great interview! I had never heard of them before so thank you for shedding some light on these remarkable ladies! :)

    That GOOD GOOD Blog

  2. Lovely reading and their hair <3

    NRC ♥

  3. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment to this post. I am very grateful for the interview and really just wanted to highlight the work of these lovely ladies.

  4. Great interview they are stunning x


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