Wednesday, April 30, 2014

52 Week Money Challenge

Hello friends,

image via pinterest
I think a big part of being healthy and well is making sure that our finances are in order. Building a savings account is not always the easiest thing to do, but with discipline and commitment it can be done. I have found the 52 Week Money Challenge to work very well in helping me and others save a little each week.

Keep in mind, this is the 16th week. It's not too late.

This is how it works:
Save $1 the first week. The second week, $2; the third week, $3. Increase the amount by $1 each week. By the end of 52 weeks, you will have saved $1,378!

I have friends who double their weekly savings each week. There is no wrong or right way to do this. The idea is to get in the habit of saving. 

It's not too late to join. If you're already participating in the 52 week challenge, let me know how you're making out.

Take care,

Friday, April 18, 2014

Discovering Health + Wellness: Oil Pulling & Apple Cider Vinegar Water

Hello guys,

I know I haven't blogged in so long. (My first blog post for the year).  I truly love blogging and "Discovering various aspects to Health & Wellness" (My blog tag line) and sharing them here with you.

In the midst of my absence, I have discovered health and wellness treatments/remedies and would like to share them with you. My new additions are below: 

image via pinterest

  1. Oil Pulling. In an effort to be more of an active participant in my oral health, I have taken up oil pulling. I've wanted to try oil pulling for so long now, I've finally given it a chance, using sesame oil. The purported benefits seem fair enough and couldn't pass up doing something that seems so harmless and easy doing. The infographic briefly sums up this ancient ayurvedic treatment. 

More information on oil pulling on the links below:

Also, heyfranhey has a great YouTube video on oil pulling.

2.  Apple Cider Vinegar.  My day begins with hydration. Every morning I drink 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. This has been an awesome way for me to jump start my body, while cleaning it and outside of the body Apple cider vinegar is both beneficial in and on the body. 
Do your research. Give it a try. Let me know.

If you've tried either oil pulling or drinking apple cider vinegar in water, please share below in the comments section.

image via pinterest

I hope this helps,
