Sunday, May 13, 2012

Getting ready for a mini cleanse/detox using the TTM

Hello friends,

Okay, so we’ve all heard about a detoxification or a cleansing before.

Detoxification and Cleansing is an internal cleaning that aids the body in removing toxins and adding much needed nutrients to the cells.

Think of you digestive system as a drainage system; drainage systems gets clogged and dirty and so does our bodies. Detoxification & Cleansing of the body will get it cleaned and unclogged. The benefits of detoxifying and cleansing the body of toxic waste are numerous:
  • Helps to clear the skin
  • Purify the blood
  • Improve digestion and bowel movements
  • Improve immune function
  • Improve function of all body organs
The TTM or the Transtheoretical Model. 

The Stages of Change of the TTM looks at a person’s readiness to change behavior(s). There are 5 stages of Change:
  1. Precontemplation -  This stage involves not even considering changing a behavior; may be in denial
  2. Contemplation – Thinking about changing behavior (s) in the distant future.
  3. Preparation – This change involves actively thinking about changing behavior(s) in the near future; steps have been taken to prepare for the behavior change.
  4.   Action – this stage involves recently changed behavior; an overt change.
  5.  Maintenance – In this change, behavior(s) has been changed; old behaviors are the things of the past.
 So, where am I on the stages of change as I embark on this mini fruit & vegetable juice detox?

I’m currently at the Preparation stage. To prepare I’ve generated several juice and green smoothie recipes (may be salads). If you want me to share some of those with you, please let me know. 

I think it’s important to determine the length of a detox. I’m doing this for a minimum of 3 days. Fruit & vegetables only! I’ve only done this for 24 hours before and to be honest this is not an easy task and I don't think think it's crazy!

Are you ready to begin a cleansing and detox program?


**Please be sure that I am not qualified to give medical or nutritional advice.**

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why do we need 'Men's Health Fairs' in the Caribbean?

Hello my beautiful friends,

I am very excited to bring this video to you. The video pretty much speaks for itself; therefore, I won't add too much writing.

The video that you are about to watch is a 'Men's health fair' put together in St. Lucia today to encourage men to participate in regular health screenings and check-ups.

Men on average are less likely to engage in regular health screenings. I know this is especially true in the Caribbean. 

While conducting interviews for my graduate thesis, one of the participants who is Jamaican, shares this, which is echoed throughout this video:

"I really don’t know and the thing with that is that back at home, they have this thing where men, you would almost never see a man at the hospital, unless it’s really severe. So, primary healthcare for men is deemed as something that women do; and unless you are really, really sick, you’re (i.e. men) not going to get your regular check-up. So, even though they have it (i.e. diabetes), I don’t even think they would know per se, but that’s all I can say."

So, yes I was delighted to see that programming is looking to encourage men to take more of an active role in their health. As a Public Health professional like me, this is so exciting!

What do you think? I would love to hear what you think?

Take Care,